Trader Intern  Application

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Position Applying For:





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Level of Education Completed:

Are you currently enrolled?

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Enter Anticipated Graduation date / Graduation date

How did you hear about Eldorado / This position:

Upload Resume Here (PDF or DOCX ONLY):

Upload Cover Letter Here (PDF or DOCX ONLY):

 Trader Intern  Application

 Trader Intern  Questions

Are you willing to relocate to Chicago, if you do not already reside in the Chicagoland area? YES NO

Will you now or in the future require sponsorship to work within the United States? YES NO

Do you have a bachelors degree or anticipate graduation within the next 6 months? YES NO

, Do you have a desire to pursue a career as a professional futures or options trader? YES NO

Do you prefer risk/reward profile of independent entrepreneurial opportunities over the structure and stabilitiy of a corporate environment? YES NO

If a fair coin flip resulted in "heads" 4 consecutive times, do you believe heads is as likely as tails to be the outcome of the next flip? YES NO

Do you have experience as a futures or options trader? YES NO